Thursday 30 June 2011

Aquilani Removed From Liverpool Training Ground

Eyes too close together?

One of the more amusing Football stories released in the news lately:

Italian midfielder Alberto Aquilani insists that he still has a future at Anfield even after a mix up that saw him arrested for trespassing at Liverpool’s Melwood training ground.

Aquilani, 26 who recently returned from a loan spell at Juventus, had been ordered by Kenny Dalglish to report back early for pre-season training but was forced to leave the premises when security guards mistook him for an intruder.

Melwood security guard Steve Hill takes up the story:

“We saw this long haired fella kicking a ball around and couldn’t understand what he was trying to do”

“He kept taking shots from the edge of the area but the ball was flying all over the place, we presumed he was a local drunk and decided to throw him out before he smashed any of the windows”

“We asked him nicely to leave but he refused and said that he was a £20 million Liverpool player……This cracked us both up but we admired his cheek and asked him to prove it”.

The Italian then challenged both security guards to prevent him scoring a spot kick.
“After 76 failed attempts we told him enough was enough, we both had homes to go to and we could have been there all night, I’m not being funny but if he’s a footballer he did a really good job at hiding it” said Hill.

The security guards forcibly ejected Aquilani who later filed a complaint with the club. However he has since accepted that the security guards made an innocent mistake and the good news for Liverpool fans is that he has pledged to see out the remaining 3 years of his contract.

Matt Cooper

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