Saturday 25 June 2011

Abramovic getting impatient as Villas-Boas enters second trophyless day

Chelsea owner Roman Abramovic is said to be growing impatient with new manager Andre Villas-Boas as he began his second day on the payroll without securing the Champions League.
Early indications are that Abramovic is unlikely to wield the axe just yet, but club insiders say that his frustration is already growing exponentially.
A Chelsea source told us, “Roman wants to win the Champions League, and Andre hasn’t yet done that for Chelsea, so of course his job is on the line – why wouldn’t it be.”
“In modern football you don’t get the time to build an empire like in the years gone by.  If he hasn’t won the Champions League by Christmas don’t be surprised to see him on the way out.”
“Just because we paid nearly £14m to secure his services doesn’t mean for one second he’ll be allowed an entire season to win the lucrative trophy – Roman didn’t get where he is today by working to other people’s timetables.”

New Chelsea Boss

Villas-Boas spoke to the media “I thought he was joking, when the moment I signed the contract he looked me in the eye and said, ‘So, have we won it yet?’.”
“I can assure every Chelsea fan that I am doing everything in my power to find a way to deliver the Champions League before the leaves are off the trees.”
“Ideally, Jack Warner and Mohamed bin Hammam would get themselves a post with UEFA and make this whole thing a lot easier.”

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